The thing about rebirth is you have to die first
I thought my first death would be my last My body was pressed against the cold ground Burdened down by my sins of the past A sea of Skeletons burst from their graves Pouring out of the closets I had locked them in In hopes to never see them again But there I was beneath a sea of sorrow and regret The bones of old faces, dead bodies of lies Burrowed themselves into my skin As they flowed over me I was dying Gasping for my last breath Clinging on to life Trying my best not to drown Savoring the old oxygen in my lungs I flailed my limbs around Attempting to reach the surface But the more I tried the deeper I sunk A wise voice that sounded like mine Invaded the rattling of the bones And whispered, You must be still to float You have to let go of the ghost. How silly was I to tread against the tide? A part of me died So that I could live I let go of life And I was born again We will die a thousand times In this existence A thousand more in the next The song of the Phoenix Never ends Might as well sing along
i want death to ravish me when we meet
No need for foreplay Cold kisses Aren't meant for cheeks They are planted on warm necks By skeleton teeth I want death to cum before I am aware He is inside I want death to whisk me away Like a thief in the night Cloaked in dark garbs Grasping me tight As he escorts me to life's door The place from whence I came Only to return again I am Wed to Death Life was but a mistress Bitter and cruel but her sweet pussy Whispered the secrets I needed to hear Those whispers have turned to screams A constant ringing in my ears Driving me into Deaths cold embrace His silence as loud as hers Not tethered to words or worlds Carry me over the threshold into eternity I'd rather be cast into the abyss Wrapped in deaths tight grip Night rider take me for a spin Holding on to bones don't let me slip |